
Wednesday 7 December 2011

Population During the Great Depression

        The population was greatly affected by the Great Depression.  The population growth was very low, it was actully lower than the population growth of 1880.  In 1935, the number of immigrants coming to Canada was less than 12,000, while approximately 169,000 immigrants came in 1929.  Roughly 30,000 immigrants ended up leaving Canada and returning to their original country due to unemployment and illness.  There were less than 2,000 deportations in 1929, but during three years' time, this number increased to 7,600.  The birth rate also fell dramatically.  In 1930, there was a 1.31% live birth rate.  In 1937, the live birth rate fell to 0.97%.
Child protesters during the Great Depression

Image Source: http://factoidz.com/images/user/jobs-1.jpg
Fact Source: http://www.yesnet.yk.ca/schools/projects/canadianhistory/depression/depression.html


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