
Monday 19 December 2011

Weapons in the 1920's compared to modern weapons.

Since the 1920's, there have been a significant amount of advances in the world of firearms. For example on a baionette used by today's military, it's basically a survival knife with a hole on one of the hand-guards for the barrel of the rifle. On the earlier baionette's it was a metal ring with a blade on one section. the baionette was often placed over and behind the iron sites of the rifle. 

The benefits of today's baionette's compared to antique baionette's is the handle which allowed a soldier to use his baionette as a SOG knife and it only takes seconds to remove.  Compared to a baionette which was often required up to 45 seconds to remove from a gun.
Bolt-action rifle

Pre-WWII baionette
Another advance that has happened since the 1920's is the rate of fire on a common rifle. In the 1920's many guns in Canada were still muzzle-loading guns when there were better guns available like bolt action rifles and even some semi-automatic weapons. Most of which were not available in Canada.


Muzzle-loader rifle (Flint-lock)

Modern baionette

Friday 16 December 2011

Food in the 1920`s

Food has not changed a lot since then to now but you can tell that the recipe has certainly changed a lot. Take bread for an example the recipe is still probably the same but the technology that the companies use to make it is a lot different, because if you looked at the way the people back then had to make their food till now you can shurley tell that has changed a lot. Another example would be how they used to make butter. back then they would have to make butter by hand in a big barell and now they can just put there ingredients into the machine and then out come the butter that's in your fridge today. Although quite a few people now still use the recipes from back then because the recipe could have been in their family for generations.

Old fashion butter churrn


Slang of the 1920s

        Slang in the 1920s was drastically different from modern day slang.  For example, when somebody today would say, "that's awesome" somebody in the 1920s would say it's the "bee's knees" or it's the "cat's meow."  If somebody in the 1920s were going to kill somebody, they would "bump them off."  In the 1920s, you might drive a "breezer," or a convertible.  You would also wear shoes on your "dogs," or feet.  "Don't take any wooden nickels" means not to do anything stupid.  Money was called "Jack" or "dough."  If you were "on the lam," you would be running away from the police.  If somebody asked, "What's eating you?" they want to know what's wrong.  If you have a "beef" with somebody, then you have a problem with them.


Wednesday 14 December 2011

Prime Minister of the 1930`s

The Prime Minister of Canada  from 1930-1935 was Richard Bedford Bennett from the Conservative party. Some of his achievements in office were leadership of Canada through the Great Depression, the creation of both the Bank of Canada and the Canadian Wheat Board in 1935 and more.  . He first sat in the Parliament building in 1911, before he was in politics he was a Lawyer. Richard Bedford Bennett was born on July 3rd 1870 in Hopewell, New Brunswick and died on June 26th 1947 in Mickleham, Surrey (England.) Bennett was the only Prime Minister that was not buried in Canada.

Sources: Information and Picture.


Monday 12 December 2011

Movies in the 1920s

        During the 1920s, movies were quite popular.  At first, they had no sound, but in 1926, a movie called Don Juan was released, and it was the first movie to have a soundtrack.  Later, a movie called The Jazz Singer was released, and it was the first movie to contain voice, but the movie only partially had voices.  In the year of 1928, the first all talking film was released, Lights of New York.  Finally, in 1929, the first movie to be fully in colour and feature full voices was released.  It was called On With the Show.  In 1927, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, that is most famous for The Academy Awards, was formed.
The Jazz Singer, the first movie to contain voice.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1920s#Film

Thursday 8 December 2011

1920's music

During the 1920's the world of music Canadian and American was dominated by one specific type of music......jazz. While jazz was the dominant brand of music there was many varieties of jazz like: ballroom jazz, generic jazz and rock/jazz.

some of thee most famous jazz singers like Louis Armstrong and duke Ellington began there musical Carrier in the 1920's.

although jazz was a very popular type of music the 1920's was a very popular time for the BIG BANDS.

Glenn Miller
a big band was basically a mini version of a grand orchestra but some times had singers. some famous BIG BAND singers were Glenn Miller,Tommy Dorsey and Henry Mancini.

See full size image
Duke Ellington
Tommy Dorsey

Cars in the 1920's

Cars in the 1920's are a lot different from then to now. If you would have looked at a normal car from then to a normal car now the you would see that their is a really big difference. Throughout the 1920's, automobiles had become a huge thing. Cars back then started to become in demand, so the Ford and other companies had to start pushing out their assembly lines. One of the cars that were pretty popular back then was the Model T. The reason the car started to become so popular is because each year the price would start to drop. So that would be the car you would probably see driving around back then. The 1923 GM model was pretty popular back the as well. This model sold over 800 thousand vehicles in this time, and they also made over 80 billion dollars.Once Ford found out that the 1923 GM model was taking in so much money, they had to try and find out how to reduce the cost, so that's when they found out how to put interchangeable parts on their cars. When the cars were being built they only had certain workers do certain things, because they only trained them for it. By 1921, the Model T was only 310 dollars. There were over 40 companies making cars by 1929. You would think that in the 1920's you could go and get any colour of car you would want like now, but a fact is that most of the cars back then were painted mostly in darker colour's.


1920's car information
Car information
Model T

This is the Model T back then.

This is the new Ford car